During our bootcamp, we will be hyper focused on providing you with the exact steps to getting your invention off the ground and start making money.
1. Come up with an invention
2. Create your product (manufacture) or service (website or app)
3. Launch your idea to the masses
Have you failed before at getting your invention off the ground? Let Kevin and Kedma prove to you that it can be done
Are you looking to increase your income with your invention? But are having issues figuring out how to launch it to the masses?
Fellow Inventor,
Kedma Ough is a nationally recognized business development and business funding expert, innovation and entrepreneurship thought leader, award-winning champion of small business, and business advisor for independent inventors. She is also a proud fifth generation entrepreneur, whose great-great grandfather peddled various products across Ireland. She is the past recipient of the SBA Women in Business Champion of the Year, SBA Small Business State Champion, and National Small Business Influencer Leadership awards, among others.
Ough has also been recognized by the Huffington Post for fueling innovation and by Inc. Magazine for her work in creative financing for minority-owned businesses. A contributor to Entrepreneur.com and a popular featured speaker, Ough writes and lectures on entrepreneurship, innovation, business development, business funding, and other topics. Her first book, Target Funding—a veritable GPS to proven funding solutions for creating, improving, or growing a business — was published by McGraw-Hill Education in February 2019.
When she is not running around as a real-life superhero to the entrepreneurial community, she enjoys time with her family.
The next bootcamp will be on August 27th
The bootcamp will last for approximately 2 hours. We will start at 1 PM EST and end at 3 PM EST
This bootcamp is being offered to you for FREE. Kevin and Kedma typically charge $997 to attend.
You are correct, this is an amazong offer for the value we provide. We normally charge at least $997 to attend on of our Live Masterminds.
Since we are in tough times, Kevin and Kedma wanted to provide immense value and put you on the path to success.
They also wanted to make this a no-brainer, so you take advantage of the content they will provide you with.
Kedma & Kevin’s bootcamp taught me so much. I now know how to launch my invention
I learned so much during this bootcamp that I was able to grow FINALLY launch my invention
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