Have you gotten off to a slow start in 2017? Did life happen once again which forced you to revert back to your old habits, and resulted in you putting your goals and dreams in the back of your mind? If you can relate, then just remember this: It isn’t even February yet — there is still plenty of time to get back on track.
There are plenty of ways to gain more success if you’ve gotten off to a slow start in 2017, entrepreneurs. However, if you are looking for three easy changes that you can start incorporating today, then let the information below be your guide.
3 Ways To Gain More Success If You’ve Gotten Off To A Slow Start In 2017
- Look At The Big Picture, And Remember The “Why”
- Treat Your Goals Exactly How They Should Be Treated — Like Priorities
- Inherit This Mindset: If You Want To Be Like The Top 1 Percent, You Have To Act Like The Top 1 Percent
Look At The Big Picture, And Remember The “Why”
If you’ve gotten off to a slow start in 2017, then you have to look at the big picture, and you also have to look at the “why” part of the equation. Why are you doing what you are doing? Are you doing it for money, fame or happiness? Perhaps you are doing it for all three reasons. Perhaps other reasons come up when trying to answer the “why” part of the equation.
Why do you want to achieve a certain goal? How will it make your life better? While it is good to look at certain problems and tasks on a smaller scale, if you constantly look at the big picture, then it will be easier to stay motivated, and keep your goals and dreams in sight.
If you haven’t gotten any closer to achieving your 2017 goals, then remember why you made them in the first place.
“I work really hard at trying to see the big picture and not getting stuck in ego. I believe we’re all put on this planet for a purpose, and we all have a different purpose… When you connect with that love and that compassion, that’s when everything unfolds.” – Ellen DeGeneres
Treat Your Goals Exactly How They Should Be Treated — Like Priorities
If you don’t treat your goals like priorities, then don’t expect to achieve them in a timely manner. In fact, if you don’t treat your goals like priorities, then they might as well be dreams.
As you likely already know, you have to attach deadlines next to your goals and you also have to make a plan for them. You have to force your goals into your life. You can’t simply make an abstract goal, such as making more money, and wish for that dream to come true. You have to say you want to make $10,000 more in 2017 than you made in 2016 (or whatever your desired income is), and you plan on reaching that goal by doing this, this and this (this is the part where you make an actual plan of attack).
You have to take your goals seriously by making them priorities in your life. If you don’t, then there is no way anyone else will.
Inherit This Mindset: If You Want To Be Like The Top 1 Percent, You Have To Act Like The Top 1 Percent
If you want to be like the top 1 percent, then you have to act like the top 1 percent. You have to make sacrifices. The end goal might be living on the beach, having your money work for you and taking it easy, but you cannot act like that until you have actually made it, until you can rely on your money to work for you.
So many people want success, and they want to be like the top 1 percent, but they actually live and act differently. If you want to be like the top 1 percent, then you can’t afford to miss a day of work, you can’t afford to take the weekends off, you can’t afford to make unnecessary purchases/spending freely on things that aren’t going to get you any closer to your goals and dreams, etc.
If you want to be like the top 1 percent, then you have to act like it — we can’t hammer home that point enough. As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” What do your actions say about you?
It’s fine if you want to spend your weekends playing, or you only want to work 40 hours a week, but do you think the top 1 percent is taking the weekends off? Sometimes, yes, but certainly not every weekend.
“And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy’s sleeping? I’m working.” – Will Smith
If 2017 hasn’t been filled with an overwhelming amount of success (yet) and you have gotten off to a slow start, then use the three tips above to get your journey back on the right path.
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