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Working from home might sound like a dream come true for some people, but it isn’t all fun and games, and distractions tend to be at an all-time high when you are not working in an office setting.
That is why we have gathered some information/tips for being the most productive version of yourself when working from home. Think of this as a survival guide for remote workers.
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How To Be The Most Productive Version Of Yourself When Working From Home
- Learn how to say no to the distractions, whether it is the TV, social media, your friends, your dog, the couch, the fridge, etc. The sooner you disconnect from distractions — and get focused — the sooner you will become the most productive version of yourself.
- Have a no-smartphone policy in place when you work. Simply put, you can’t check your phone while you are conquering a time block that is filled with work.
- If you have roommates, tell them when you are scheduled to work. This will let them know how serious you are about your work, and that you can’t be bothered during certain times of the day.
- Come up with a very detailed schedule. Sure, working from home comes with a ton of freedom, but you still need a schedule if you plan on not pushing off work and getting the most out of yourself in the process. After all, it’s very easy to say you will do a certain project later if it is not due immediately and/or you don’t have a specific schedule in place.
- Get serious about your working space. It might be tempting to work in your PJs and in bed, but those types of things are stimulus for sleep, not work. Therefore, create your ideal work environment (preferably at a desk), one you can thrive in.
- Take notes, and learn about yourself in the process. Remote workers tend to have more flexibility, meaning they don’t necessarily have to abide by the 9-to-5 workday. Create a schedule that works for you! It might take a lot of tweaking before you get it down, but just make sure to do some experimenting, while taking notes and learning about your habits in the process. The end goal is to create a schedule that allows you to be the most productive version of yourself.
- Go to the coffee shop every now and then! You have the freedom to do so, and sometimes this type of work session is all you need to break out of a work funk/get your creative juices flowing.
- Knock out your most important tasks first. The last thing you want is rushing from deadline to deadline. Create some leeway by doing your most important things first, and stay ahead of each and every deadline.
- Take breaks. These can be considered your best friends.
- Incorporate things you love to do throughout the day/week, such as going to the movies, the gym or hanging out with friends. Hustle might be the name of the game, but as long as you are being the most productive version of yourself, you should have more than enough time to do the things you love throughout the week. It’s all about work-life balance, entrepreneurs!
- Get serious about your job. Just because you work from home, that does not mean you don’t work. It does not mean you have all of the time in the world — you still have a job to do, and everyone needs to take note, especially the people you live with.
- Have a stopping point. Everyone needs downtime, so create a stopping point each and every day and then stick to it. That’s how you keep your sanity when working from home.
- Take it all in! Working from home is a dream for so many people.
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