While working remotely might seem like a dream come true for introverts, extroverts likely cringe at the idea of having less (or no) interaction at the office. With that said, working remotely is not for everyone, but work-from-home jobs are on the rise no matter which side you are fighting for.

Whether this is your dream scenario or not, here are seven ways to succeed at the remote working life. While there are plenty of remedies for being successful, these seven tips can help guide any remote worker along the right path.

The Ultimate Basic: Make A Schedule

This key ingredient to the remote working life should go without saying, but let’s dive a little deeper than simply making a schedule.

First things first, if you don’t operate on a 9-to-5 mentality, then don’t make your schedule follow one either. No matter when you schedule your work, you need to plan for everything. Breaks, phone calls, lunch, digital scrums and your job duties in general need to be accounted for on your schedule.

It is so easy to just push your work off until the last minute — especially when you first start working at home — but you must stick to your schedule, or else nothing will get done.

Constantly Remind Yourself That This Is Your Job

Will your boss be able to monitor all of your daily activities? No. As a result, you might be inclined to slack off. You might even turn on the TV or simply just not do work for long periods of time. While there is a time and place for all of that, just remember that this is your job, which means work has to get done.

Always Keep In Contact With Your Employer

Not only does this show your boss you want to be involved even though you aren’t in the same building, but it helps you stay up to date on what is going on with your company. You want to be on the same page as your employer, and the feeling is probably mutual for, well, your employer. This might seem like a simple guideline, but it is very easy to go about your job without communicating with anyone at headquarters.

Take Breaks

One of the biggest perks about working from home: You can take breaks whenever you want. Although you don’t want to abuse this blessing, it is important to take breaks, even if it is only for five minutes, or filling up your coffee cup and coming right back. Breaks keep the mind sane, fresh and they, in a sense, help recharge the system that is your mind and body.

Create An Environment That You Want To Work In

Many people will tell you to make your work-from-home desk like you would your office desk. Some people will tell you to not listen to music, while others will say classical music is fine in the background.

The key? Creating an environment that you want to work in. If that consists of you never leaving bed, blasting music as load as it will play (your neighbors might not agree with this option), doing all of your work on the couch or whatever it may be, it is up to you. You know what environment you work best in, so create it and then conquer it.

Now, working from your bed might not be the most productive option, but it is your environment, and sometimes we all do it. From time to time, people also decide to get work done at the nearest coffee shop, and that is okay.

Defeat Your Distractions

Dogs bark, doorbells and phones ring, roommates come home for lunch and the TV screams your name. So many distractions come into play when you are working (no matter where you are), and the distraction meter is raised up a notch or two when you are working remotely.

Defeat the distractions, and you will be okay. In the beginning, this might seem like a tough mountain to climb, but you will eventually get used to all of the distractions.

Have A Results-Driven Attitude

When you become a remote worker, the 9-to-5 schedule can be thrown out the window — well, in most cases, that is. Work should become more about the results and less about how much time you were actually on the clock.

If you are the employer, this is arguably the best system when it comes to holding your remote employees accountable. While it would be nice to think your remote warriors are on the clock for eight or more hours straight, the biggest thing is that they are getting all of their work done.