We are living in an age where working remotely is becoming more and more popular. If the office setting isn’t your cup of tea, or if you are a business owner and want to save money by not having to buy up office space, then this is a great thing.
If you have never worked from home, then you likely don’t know the perks that come with it. Sure, you might think you can make your own schedule, which is true depending on if you work for yourself or not, but there are plenty of other benefits outside of that.
For better or worse, here are five reasons why working remotely is better than working in an office.
Why Working Remotely Is Better Than Working In An Office
- The Creative Factor
- Ideally Less Distractions
- Work-Life Balance Isn’t Possible In A Typical Office Setting
- You Can Work Off Of Production Rather Than Hours
- The Ultimate Perk: Your Office Can Literally Be Anywhere
The Creative Factor
People tend to be more creative when they are working in a coffee shop as compared to an office. If working in a coffee shop isn’t your cup of, well, coffee, then you will love this factor: You can make your home office however you would like, which could lead to ultimate creativity.
Now, it’s crucial to eventually have a specific place where you do all of your work, but if your creativity levels are at an all-time high when you venture to new places, then so be it — you have that option when you are a work-from-home warrior.
Ideally Less Distractions
There are so many distractions at the workplace. Likewise, there are plenty of distractions when you are working remotely. Here’s the difference, though: In an office setting, you can’t really do anything about the distractions. At home, you can cut distractions out of your world entirely.
When it comes to being focused and doing your best possible work, the better option should be a no-brainer. If you do need to reach out to your boss or a fellow employee, assuming you are working for an employer, then that’s why things like Skype and cell phones were invented.
Work-Life Balance Isn’t Possible In A Typical Office Setting
Entrepreneurs are all about a work-life balance, and that is actually becoming more typical for non-entrepreneurs as well. If someone is working at a job that requires him/her to be in an office from 9-to-5, then a work-life balance isn’t really an option. After all, this person would have to be at an office for eight hours (side note: if you have ever worked in an office, then you probably know that 9-to-5 is just a guideline, because you typically end up being at work longer than that).
Now, if you do work from home — and we have already touched on this earlier — you can usually design your schedule however you would like, which means you can add things like going to the gym in the middle of the day to your daily routine, making a work-life balance possible. This is important when it comes to the burnout factor.
You Can Work Off Of Production Rather Than Hours
What’s more important, a person being at a desk for eight hours for the sake of being at a desk (more realistically, it is less than that thanks to breaks and lunch), or a person completing the same amount of work in less time?
When employees are first starting out, it is very important to monitor them and their work habits. However, when they have proven their worth, what’s the problem in letting them work off of production rather than hours? If it takes someone four hours to get a certain task done at home — and that is the only project they are supposed to be working on — then why make them work for eight hours?
If you work remotely, and it only takes you four hours to get your work done, then you only have to work for four hours. Of course, you can take productivity to the next level by starting another project rather than waiting until the next day.
The Ultimate Perk: Your Office Can Literally Be Anywhere
Back to the coffee shop scene. When you work from home (aka remotely), you can set up your office anywhere. Heck, you don’t even have to be in the same state (or country) as your employer. That’s really the beauty of working remotely.
With that in mind, a lot of remote workers, such as entrepreneurs, writers and [fill in the blank], don’t really get days off. So although you can technically travel to another state whenever you want, you are going to have to bring your work with you.
But hey, if you want to work in a coffee shop or outside, you have free rein to do that when you are a remote worker. When you work in an office, well, hopefully you like your desk because that’s where you are going to be stuck every single time you are working.
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